Courses & Speaking
Recent Event
How to Run a Successful Equestrian Business 2020
This event was held online
Previous Courses
Marketing for rural businesses.
A series of small workshop-style half-day marketing courses, being held at Vale Training near Aylesbury and North Herts Farmers
This course is specifically aimed at farms and rural businesses.
Feedback from the course in September: included "Really enjoyed today's session - it wasn't long enough!! Came away with lots of actions."
New dates will be published in soon.
The Institute of Agricultural Secretaries and Administrators runs a number of workshops across the country. Ted has spoken at a regional event and the AGM in 2019.
Countryside Marketing is pleased to be a corporate member of IAgSA.
The North Herts Farmers Group, which has around 400 members invited me to speak about marketing for diversification projects, alongside Sam Watson of the Small Robot Company at their their AGM in Januray 2019 held in the lovely converted barn of the Tewinbury Farm Hotel, Welwyn.
How to Run a Successful Equestrian Business - CLA South East
This seminar fully-booked, which ran in April 2019 and was organised by the CLA addressed the many factors in running a successful equestrian business.
Held at the well-renowned Lyneham Heath Equestrian Centre, the seminar offered practical guidance to those wishing to set up, or currently running, an equestrian business. Speakers addressed issues such as the successful marketing of rural businesses, planning permission, business structures, business rates and tax and equine specific legal issues, such as grazing rights and third-party liability. Samantha Sandberg, the owner of Lyneham Heath Equestrian, was also on hand to offer a personal view of her experiences building up a successful equestrian business and to offer a tour of the facilities at Lyneham Heath Equestrian Centre. The CLA hope to run this event again in 2020 as it was oversubscribed. More here.
We're keen to spread the word about the opportunities for farmers to exploit their land through diversification and open up their land and adjoining bridleways to horse riders looking for safer hacking.
Ted spoke at the BHS 2018 Access Conference held at their HQ in November 2018 to an audience of volunteers interested in rights of way and how this idea has worked for Cholsey Farm Riding.